Introduction Post

My name is Brigit O'Brien. I am currently a junior Kinesiology major at SUNY Brockport. I have two orange tabby cats, a Weiner dog and a bunny who goes by Bon Bon. I am in a committed relationship with Peanut Butter. My favorite movies include the cinematic masterpieces, Inside out and Miracle on Ice. I enjoy watching the New York Yankees, and blowing the dust off my mitt to throw the ball around. I have never left the United States, and now I am about to go abroad to study Sport and Western Culture for two weeks. Talk about a big jump. In fact, I always use that for my fun fact in classes, and pretty soon, I won't be able to anymore. However, I feel like I shouldn't say it as a bad thing.

As an aspiring Sport Psychologist, I am excited to see how the rest of the world views sports and the aspects of being active and staying healthy. I feel like this trip will only help me to be a better ambassador for sports and movement. I am anxious to see all the different landmarks and learn more about the history of sport; especially because European sport culture, including olympic history, dates way back.

This trip feels like the most perfect study abroad opportunity for me. Two weeks in the summer, endless sports information, and food that does not reek of preservatives. I have a thing for stating random facts, and I am sure that this trip will only help me bother my friends more with my annoying outbursts of trivia, although I am pretty sure they love it. We get to see the ins and outs of sport life, beyond what I am already aware of, which, in short, is my dream.

I would be lying if I said I had no concerns, especially because I have never left the comfort of my home land. But I am very enthusiastic and hopeful that once we land, the excitement and chaos that will ensue, will distract me from any of my concerns.
